Focus on Breast Augmentation Part 1: Transaxillary Incision
To kick off our Inland Empire Cosmetic Surgery Beauty Education Campaign, we will spend the several posts focused on Breast Augmentation. As we add more posts, just keep in mind that you’ll be able to click on “Focus on Breast Aug” in the category list to see all of the items we have posted.
Part One of our Focus on Inland Empire Breast Augmentation: The Transaxillary Incision
The incision point is where the surgeon will insert your breast implants. Your surgeon works with you to select the best incision point for your body and your needs and desires. We will start with the Transaxillary incision.
Transaxillary Incision
Q. What is the Transaxillary Incision?
A. The transaxillary incision is made in the armpit, in the natural fold that exists there.
- The incision is made and a channel to the breast is formed; a pocket is formed behind the breast for the implant.
- Either saline or silicone implants can be used in this method; however, saline implants have an advantage in that they can be inserted prior to being filled, keeping the incision smaller.
Q. Why choose the transaxillary approach?
A. There is one main “pro” for this approach: the transaxillary incision allows the breasts to appear untouched since the scar is elsewhere, under the armpit.
- In that regard, we will soon be posting about the Trans Umbilical Breast Augmentation, or TUBA. The TUBA incision point is in the Belly Button, and it’s often called Scarless Breast Augmentation by patients.
- Until we post about TUBA, check Inland Empire Scarless Breast Augmentation for more information including cost, recovery and more.
Q. Why select another approach over the transaxillary approach?
A. The “cons” to the transaxillary approach include:
- In many instances, the TUBA approach can give the same advantages while offering more.
- There is a small risk of nerve damage which could cause some numbness in hands or arms.
The transaxillary approach is overall an excellent incision option, but if you are interested in this approach do be certain to also get as informed as possible regarding the TUBA procedure.