What To Know About An Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
There are very few procedures that make as much of an impact in a woman’s life as a Tummy Tuck. This procedure modifies the core structure of a woman’s body to make the proportions of the anatomy look more feminine and attractive. In particular, the tummy tuck reestablishes the relationship between the breasts and the hips, two anatomical features that contribute to a woman’s femininity and sexuality.
The tummy tuck slenderizes the midsection by tightening the loose abdominal muscles, which recreates the internal corset and narrows the waist. The procedure also removes the extra skin and leaves the belly button reshaped. The incision required for this surgery is longer than with other cosmetic surgery procedures. The resulting scar typically starts very, very low across the lower abdomen, just above or into the pubic hair area. However, it is most commonly hidden by a modest bikini or undergarment. The incision from the tummy tuck procedure can also eliminate previous scars from hysterectomy, laparoscopy, appendix removal surgery, and cesarean surgery.
A full tummy tuck might not be needed for all patients. In fact, a mini tummy tuck may be a great alternative. with this less-invasive procedure, the incision is made directly above the pubic region. Liposuction can address the areas of unwanted fat followed by the removal of excess skin and fat from the area below the navel. This procedure is appropriate where there is minimal loose skin or muscle bulging above the belly button.
Additionally, and by working closely with OB/GYN surgeons, procedures such as hysterectomy and tubal ligation can be combined with abdominoplasty to reduce your recovery and the needed time off work.
Although recovery generally lasts about two weeks, my patients report the ability to drive by nine days after their operation. The use of pain pumps has made this procedure much more comfortable- so much so , intact, that many patients switch to just Tylenol as early as two to three days post-op.
Recovery Times:
You’ll need someone to stay with you for the first 4-5 days. Thereafter, you’ll need a driver at least for the first 9 days. Most patients feel comfortable driving after this point. You may return to work in about 2 weeks, and begin exercising in 3-8 weeks. (Farzaneh, M.D., Babak. Passport to Beauty a Simple Guide to Common Cosmetic Procedures. 89. eBook.)
“My history and background is an open book- if you want to know more about my familiarity with any procedure, just ask! No matter where you decide to have your procedure performed, make sure you know (and are comfortable with) your doctors level of surgical experience.”